Muscular Gay pictures

( pictures, page 27 of 33)
It certainly shouldnt be a surprise that I go absolutely nut

On the beach, its just Jake Henry and his board. Jake knows

Str8 to Bootycamp

The Hot Gym Guy

Handy Step Brother

STR8 Basketcase

Blame it on the Wine

Are We Gay

Buddy Rub

Playful Buddies

Hard Studying

Im Getting Married

What Are Friends For

Youre just in time for Justin Grey! Hes the right mix of swe

This week we have a tall sexy young man named Jason. Hes 19

Drinkin whiskey out the bottle, not thinkin bout tomorrow...

Take a look at these two fine specimens! Theyre a couple of

This is Jake Grey and hes quite a looker! Jake comes to us a

Will is returning here after having his first experience wit

Here we have Ivan James and Ryan Jordan, two solid recruits

Heres a brand new recruit that youre gonna absolutely fall i

Heres a unique young recruit who had me intrigued from start

The recruits keep falling in waiting for their chance to be

Now this one turned out to be seriously a lot of fun. Its tw

Hey Troops. What an immense pleasure to introduce this strik

If ya want sexy, this is it! Theres so much chemistry betwee

Humping Iron

Cock Cravings


Trent, Scene 01

Snap Happy

Dungeon Lust

Rub Me Tender

Card Decks Hard Dicks


Knockin Boots

Cuff Love

Body Language - photos

This time we have two young men paired together, both coming

This one turned out to be a real blast, in more ways than on

Its not always that I have such a fun time checking out a ne

Well this one will certainly be an adventure to remember. We

Theres some real chemistry going on here between Quentin and

We have a very cute little story on our hands this time. It

Here we have a couple of real tasty military studs. Weve had

This is Peter, a handsome stud whos built like a chiseled st

Well this is a humungous treat for me. We have a favorite re

Max really seems like such a down-to-earth, friendly dude. M

Weve had the wonderful pleasure of a few nice, healthy doses

When I saw these two on the couch, right at the get-go, it s

Were lucky enough to have one of our finest, newest recruits

It doesnt get any hotter than this, boys! We have two newcum

Well Claude has been hard at work lately, making sure our la

Im sure most everyone remembers Brad Davis, who, not long ag

Heres a sweet n hottie for you to feast your eyes on. His na

This time we have Ivan James and Brad Banks. Ivan is a lot o

Now herere two fine recruits that are gonna really get yer e

A new recruit has arrived and he is an all American boy for

Looks like we have Ivan back out in the battlefield and this

Guy is the quiet type yet shows lots of promise as a dominat

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