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( pictures, page 10 of 12)
Jack Blue met Ennio Guardi and it was lust at first site bet

Dustin Steele had just completed his workout when he ran int

Carey Lexes was in his room jamming to his tunes, dancing in

Lean and athletic Martin Riggely dropped into the chair and

Kayden Gray was determined to get his work done, but, Sunny

Nico Sideropolus and Randall Sacks met at a local club and h

We fade in on lean and tight Rad Grand sitting on the sofa a

George Basten and Maxim Moira were on a romantic walk when M

Casper Wats and Damien Rivkin have spent the morning kicking

Lucas Preston is a young athletic young man and always wante

Jeff Renfro heard some noise and headed downstairs to find h

Tom Hawai has stopped by a remodel where Justin Corner is bu

Hunky Tom Frost has the cutest smile, the most incredible bo

Evan Cook and Kevin Klein were snuggling on the sofa when Ke

25 year old tennis player Pablo Ross stopped by today wantin

The connection between Toby Springs and Conner Mason was imm

Hunky Enrico Roselli hooked up for some hot sex with Billy S

Radovan Grunberk is hard, lean and ready to show us some nak

Muscle stud Derek Parker was relaxing in the sauna after an

After some intense kissing Joey French and Chris McKay slowl

19 year old Michael Getlin was very excited to be in front o

Jack Hunter and Casey Everett hooked up for a night of fun a

We find ripped stud Dennis Wesley sitting on top of lean and

Lean and tight Roy Merrick is truly an exhibitionist and we

New comer Alex Hawk shoots his very first adult video ever,

We find Jerry Harris and Andre Lopes sitting on the sofa, li

Muscular Robert Driveman just cant wait to show you his huge

Hunky Matt Anders and Italian stud Gaston Croupier had never

Ricky Davis and Tommy Romero were totally bored when Tommy s

We met 26 years old Lou Devane a while back at a party! He i

Industry veteran Alexander Garrett met new comer Rego Bello

Dustin Murphy was relaxing on the sofa with Patric Solberg w

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Badpuppy brings you, 21 y o Neo and 19 y o Stefano, from Rio

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Please welcome Marc Martin Vidol back to Badpuppy and watch

Please welcome William Higgins Artur, Erik, and Dmitry to Ba

Please welcome Tomas Miller to Badpuppy!

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Petr is a goldsmith by trade who enjoys boxing and ice hocke

Straight After a little chit chat with our videographer, Igo

Holy shitballs! If youre in the market for a hot, hairy, hun

Sammy Danko is a 22 year old soccer player with a washboard

With Hollywood Brat Pack good looks, our Prague boy in a bla

Carlos Dido has his cool going on during the preliminary int

Max Gunnar is a cute 19 year old kid from Largo, FL. He goes

Robert Anthony comes to us from Port St. Lucie Florida. Hes

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With a smokin hot body and one helluva thick, uncut cock, La

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The Money Boyz are back with Danii Star and Shayne Tame.

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